Please make note of the following requirements:
- Setting Total Degree fees for the candidates. (Which I think should be above normal since those Chapters are “outsourcing” their work. Plus each Chapter should be paying for their candidates’ very own “Red Book”.)
- Each Chapter needs to accompany their candidates with a minimum of one Chapter member (preferably a dais officer). NO EXCEPTIONS. Candidates without a Chapter member/mentor will be turned away.
- Each Chapter needs to bring their Book of Marks and Constitutions. NO EXCEPTIONS
- Each Chapter needs to fill out Exaltation Cards for each Candidate.
- Each Chapter needs to provide information/fees for each Candidate by a certain date (preferably the Monday before the Chapter Day.) NO EXCEPTIONS
- NO walk-ins. They will be turned away.
- Every candidate will be provided all “Chapter Intender” Books and 10% coins, along with “Red Books”.