Lyle R. Melvin Award
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To be recognized as a valued leader in Masonry and be included as a member of a highly esteemed group of Royal Arch Masons who have previously been selected to receive this honor. To be recognized as a man of great respect and honor and known as a trusted citizen in the community you reside in. To be recognized as a valued mentor and further instill pride in the members of your chapter, church, and family. Recipients of this award can wear/display the Lyle R. Melvin medal to all Royal Arch functions proudly.
General Grand Chapter Distinguished Service Medal in Bronze (Bronze Award)
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(Past Award)

The Distinguished Service Medal in Bronze (Bronze Award) is offered by the General Grand Chapter of
Royal Arch Masons, International. The award recognizes the leadership, commitment, and resolve of Companions that dedicate their time to ensure the bond of their word; that establish all their actions and deeds as honorable; and demonstrate unyielding faithfulness to
the tenets of Royal Arch Masonry. This award is for Companions who are not elected Grand Chapter officers or Past Grand High Priests
Grand Chapter of Illinois Veteran’s Service Medal
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Any companion, in good standing, who currently serves in an active or reserve unit; or has honorably served in an armed force, foreign or domestic, is eligible to wear the Veteran’s Service Medal.
Grand Chapter of Illinois Sweetheart Award
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The “Sweetheart Award” is presented to a Lady who has given of her time and resources unselfishly to assist in advancing the aims and programs of
Illinois Royal Arch Masonry. She has truly been a “sweetheart” to the Royal Arch Masons of Illinois.
Grand Chapter of Illinois Distinguished Service Award
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This award serves as an opportunity to recognize special Companions who have attained past presiding rank in their Grand York Rite bodies (Lodge, Chapter, Council, Commandery) and who have then gone on to continue their work and commitment to service even beyond the term of their office, or beyond the normal boundaries of dedication
York Rite Mason of the Year
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This award is a joint award given by the Grand Chapter, Grand Council, and Grand Commandery for exceptional service to the York Rite of Masonry. Those recipients give of their time and talent to all bodies of York Rite Masonry.