We firmly believe that our fraternity is the best organization there is in America today. No where else will you find men, men who have diverse and even sometimes conflicting backgrounds, beliefs, experiences, and goals, coming together for the love of one thing: each other. Our fraternity has much to offer. We have heard that you get out what you put in. We believe that you in fact get out much more than you could ever put in. Centuries of tradition, of passion, of enlightenment are but some of the benefits that await every man that knocks that first time on the preparation room door.
Our brethren come to us with expectations, with hope, with curiosity. They desire to experience something they cannot get anywhere else but in lodge. We all take those three steps to a greater good, for ourselves, our family, our community, our nation, and our belief in God. The Mason who doesn’t realize and capitalize on the passion of our fraternity is missing its greatest treasure.
The Royal Arch is the same way. For us, we love lodge, but the Royal Arch Masons are where we know we are especially drawn to. We can enter any Chapter, anywhere, and feel welcome. We know, the same feeling happens at lodge, but a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons has brethren who have taken an extra step. We have much more in common. We are Companions, not just Brothers.
We hope that you will seek out the passion of the Royal Arch Masons. We guarantee it will rekindle your interest in lodge, the fraternity, and everything you came to us with — hope, curiosity, and the desire for something more.
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Illinois
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